And for one, I really deserve a good night sleep. Kudos to my new signature! Yes, a signature. Who’s so grateful for a newly acquired sig? (Raises hand, OK, hands)
You may be wondering how shallow I am. Worry no more. READ: I can be forever thankful to you if you give me a paper clip. Yes, I love paper clips. And I’m all for the red ones.
Going back to sigs, I’ve had bugful sleeping nights with my Contract to my new job. It required me to accomplish all the essentials of a good, abiding employee. No thanks to our University and Bureaucracy, fresh-graduate perks always turn to nightmares. I had to register to the Social Security, prepare my transcripts and all. And believe me, none of our University and Bureaucracy were helpful. It seems everyone’s doomed to curse them later for lack of enthusiasm to serve. And so I too cursed them with all my might.
Enough of our God-forsaken government, my dilemma has gone internal. I seriously needed to have one good signature, enough for people to treat me as a good, abiding employee. Welcome to the pro world.
But wait, I’ve never been good and law-abiding! So this may be a call from the Divine Providence. Lui, Son, face it, you need a decent sig, He said.
When the One up above talks to an individual like me from low below, then I should follow.
In my rough count, I’ve already had ten signature revisions. I started signing with just my initials: LFY. It bored me, and it seemed all my classmates at intermediate Grade did their signing with their initials, too. I noticed that my mom and dad have cursive sigs and it looked cool so I imitated my dad’s. I never had issue with cursive writing anyway, it’s been my stroke since third Grade. (I figure, just when I’m comfortable with my handwriting, everyone else is not. Some say I’ve got a pretty ugly stroke. Others say it’s rare for the male world. The hell I care.)
But as times pass, and so the revision goes on.
I’ve had bad encounters with signing papers, from signing class attendance to supporting Save the Panda Bears petition paper to placing sig on legal documents. My college sigs sucked big time, they’re just too inconsistent; badly written and unduly executed. I can’t imagine seeing my signed papers now. Sure, I will vomit.
And so the pro world compelled me to produce a pro-like signature. I believe I have now settled for a lesser-complicated and more easily-written sig.
I lied when I said I’m shallow. It’s just a lame excuse. Sure I might still end up revising my sig, but I just hope it’ll be minor.
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